Why Is Start Up Important?

Start-Up Each startup is back by an online business idea that seeks to simplify complicated processes and jobs to provide the market with a simplified and easy user experience.

They are generally businesses that want to innovate, develop technologies and design web processes. And mainly form alliances with venture capital companies that decide to bet on startups.

Not everyone should or has the opportunity to work in large companies, and that is the degree of importance that a startup has.

The First Definition of Start in the Dictionary is to Start or Cause to Start Up

come or make them arise, operate, etc. Another purpose of start is when intr, sometimes goes on to make or force a start. So the start is also set or set in motion.

START is the only nationwide funding program for students in Germany. As an extracurricular education and engagement program, START accompanies young people with their own or family migration history for three years. We offer you a strong network, individual support and financial support. Through seminars, digital learning formats, workshops and project work on relevant social, cultural and political issues, the young people sharpen their interests and get to know their strengths.

Who Supports START Up?

In Bremen, the scholarship has been offered for several years as a joint educational initiative by the START Foundation. And also Cordes & Graeme KG, the Senator for Children and Education, Cornelia and Heinrich Engel ken, Elsa Hellweg, Drs. Karina and André-Michael Schultz.

How Does START Up Support?

Financial provision who have already made their way successfully – START offers young people with migration experience the opportunity to develop more, get involve in society. And also try for an educational qualification that corresponds to their abilities.

Upon admission. And also  The scholarship holders receive a laptop. They are accompanied on their educational path for three years with 1,000 euros in education money per school year and an extensive educational program consisting of seminars. Workshops, excursions. And also Advisory services, etc.

They are look after by experienced pedagogues in academic and personal questions sponsorship and benefit from an active network of around 500 scholarship holders and about 3. And also There will be around 180 scholarship places throughout Germany. Almost ten new scholarship boxes will know in Bremen!

Anyone Who:

  • is curious and open-minded and has ideas for our future
  • And also immigrate to Germany or is the child of an immigrant parent
  • attended at least the 9th grade at the beginning of the 2022/23 school year and went to school in Germany for at least three more years (all secondary and vocational schools)
  • And also is ready for an intensive three-year education and engagement program.

What Are The Application Modalities? Interested Young People Can Submit Their Application

And also from February After a selection interview, an independent commission of experienced educators decides whether to accept candidates for the scholarship program.