Bursitis As strange as its name may seem, it is simply an inflammatory injury in the joint area. It is painful and, in many cases, disabling to perform specific tasks. It all depends on the site that is affected. In the blog of our Pain Medicine clinics, we explain how many types of bursitis there are. Without a doubt, a more common pathology than we imagine.

A Definition: What Is Bursitis?


Bursitis consists of inflammation or irritation of bags located in the joints. These bags are called bursae and are fill with fluid. Its function is to cushion the joints’ bones, tendons, and muscles. The problem comes when they get inflamed. A mere movement causes intense pain.

We estimate that we have more than 150 bursae throughout the human body. However, the most common bursitis usually occurs in areas where joint movement is typically repetitive.It is the case of shoulders, knees, ankles, wrists, and elbows. Also, it generally affects women more.

The most treated types of bursitis in Pain Medicine

What Symptoms Does It Present?

The individual symptoms of bursitis are pain and helplessness to carry out specific exercises or usual movements in daily life. It can appear suddenly or progressively, something the patient notices by movement and touch since the bursa’s skin is more sensitive than usual. The symptoms will depend on the affected area, but the most common is joint pain and tenderness when pressing the area near the joints, stiffness, pain when moving the affected joint, redness, swelling, and fever.

Causes Of Bursitis Or Why It Occurs

Although the origin of this disease is often unknown, the leading cause of bursitis may be the overuse of a joint. The daily repetition of the same movement or overexertion in the joints can generate this pathology. In addition, it can also arise from trauma, infections, wounds, or as a consequence of other diseases, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

Can It Be Prevented?

Bursitis can prevent by avoiding the successive movement that caused it. Another measure is strengthening the muscles surrounding the joint or warming up the area with exercises before starting physical activity.

Its causes can be several, from bone malformation to overexertion or degenerative. Its main symptom is shoulder pain when it is high or rotated. However, it is also common to suffer pain without movement.

Trochanteric Bursitis

It is another of the types of bursitis that there is. It affects the most prominent bone on the side of the hip. In medical terms, it is the inflammation of the bursa of the greater trochanter, a bony projection located in the upper extremity or epiphysis of the femur.

It can appear due to problems in the lumbar spine, hip pathologies, rheumatoid arthritis or anomalies in the length of the lower extremities. It can also be associated with injuries due to repetitive movements or traumatic processes blow to the area.

Pain on the side of the leg is its main symptom. This pain usually appears when going up and down stairs, crossing the legs or getting up from a chair. Pain can also arise when lying on the affected area. As in the other types of bursitis, inflammation can also be observe in the area.

How To Act In A Case Of Bursitis

In our Pain Medicine clinics in Valencia we have different techniques adapted to each type of bursitis and the state of each injury and patient. The medical professional will be the one who determines the treatment  for each type of bursitis . If you want to know more about bursitis, its types and its treatments, we invite you to contact us for further information.

What Does The Treatment Consist?

In most cases, It disappears without applying a specific treatment. The specialist will reduce the patient’s pain and inflammation by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids. In case of grave bursitis without infection, the person should avoid overexertion, limit specific movements and apply cold to the hurt area to reduce swelling. If chronic occurs, the treatment is alike. However, since rest has no effect, extra aggressive and direct methods such as thorough physiotherapy or corticoid injections must use in case of infection. Should remove the Accumulated fluid, should follow treatment with corticosteroids.