Marketing And Ethics Economics and ethics seem to contradict each other. Given the frequently occurring company scandals, this manager does not seem to be alone in his views. Bribery and fraud affairs, excessive manager salaries, mass layoffs, food scandals, to name just a few of the current issues from a business practice that supports the manager’s view.

However, Due To The Public Discussions

It is clear that the population takes a different point of view and places ethical demands on companies. In its role as a consumer and as one of the most critical stakeholder groups of companies, the population demands that companies should pursue ethical and social goals in addition to economic goals.

The question now arises to what extent such moral and ethical claims can be expected and realized because of increasing globalization, the growing homogeneity of the markets, and the associated pressure to compete. What does ethical action mean in this context? It should also study whether and to what extent companies benefit from focusing on the public benefit pursuit of profit.

This work aims to overview the central relationship between ethics and business. The core should be the marketing of a company and the ethical issues.

The second section intends to familiarize the reader with conceptual basics to provide an overview of the framework we find ourselves in during our deliberations. The following team will first examine whether marketing bears an ethical responsibility, and then a concept for dealing with moral questions in marketing. Integrative Social Contracts Theory. will be present.

Is tail by the thought of advertising limits marketing instruments and the justification for advertising bans. Before turning to the conclusions in the last part, the consequences of including ethics in economic activities are present.

Conceptual Basics

Since marketing is the focus of our considerations, it is necessary to define what is understood by marketing and ethics and then link marketing ethics before explicitly dealing with the topic.

Definition Of Marketing

“Originally the entirety of the measures aimed directly at the sale, sale, and distribution of goods, today an entrepreneurial concept that assumes that all activities for the optimal fulfillment of corporate goals have to be orient towards the market. Marketing is, therefore, the systematic alignment of all company functions to the buyers’ needs (customer orientation). For the following considerations, we direct our attention primarily to the exchange processes of the company with its environment.

Definition Of Ethics And Morals

The concept of morality is understood to mean the entirety of the informally binding norms, values, and principles that affect interpersonal behavior in a society and guide action. On the other hand, as a sub-discipline of philosophy, ethics systematization. Ethics establishes guidelines for human behavior and deals with what constitutes good and bad action. It follows the fundamental question of what people “should” do.

Definition Of Marketing Ethics

Definition Of Marketing Ethics

Ethics As A Science Can Be Apply To Various Subject Areas.

Depending on the observation level. A distinction is complete between the macro. And micro-levels. At the macro level, Ethical framework conditions and guidelines are Exam concerning the entire economy, while the actions of individual economic units, especially companies, are in the foreground. Finally, the micro-level considers the individual actors, such as employees and managers.

During our following explanations

We are in marketing ethics, which is located on the level and thus emerges from business ethics as part of business ethics. Marketing ethics gets its foundations, terms, and principles from general ethics as defined above.

Attempts are complete to analyze findings and existing marketing problem areas from an ethical point of view. A distinction is made between normative and descriptive ethics, with descriptive approach observing and describing different marketing groups’ behavior, morals, and values. On the other hand, normative approaches establish moral principles, methods, and principles that those responsible for marketing should use to orient their actions. Consequently, it concerns moral duties, values, and norms of marketing and its social responsibility.

Marketing- An Ethical Perspective

Marketing As Bearer Of Ethical Responsibility

Again and again, one hears about new crises and scandals from the economy in the media. The spectrum is broad. The threat to our natural environment, safety and quality defects in products, corruption affairs, child labor. Such ethical and social problems of public concern. Under the prevailing circumstances. It is more than self-evident that people’s trust in companies, products, and social responsibility is dwindling.

The sensitivity of the population is growing. It can be see. Among other effects, that ethical demands Increasingly being made, such as ecologically sustainable production, no animal testing, and respect for human rights. People expect companies to act ethically and responsibly. Nevertheless, the scandals show that most companies are not aware of this responsibility or even consciously evade it.

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