Computer Programming In computing, programming refers to creating a program or application by developing source code. Programming allows a computer to function and perform tasks requested by the user. It is based on the instructions that the computer follows to execute the program.


Programming Language

Programming languages communicate programmers with computers. A programming language is a pre-built artificial language consisting of symbols, words, and tokens that enable communication between programmers and computers. A computer’s instructions to run applications and programs are write in a programming language. And, then they are translate into a machine language that can be interpret and execute by the hardware (physical part) of the computer

Programming Paradigms

  • Functional Programming: Characterize by the use of expressions and functions that state that one process can call another or that the result of one operation can be used as an argument to another position.
  • Indicative programming: The declarative paradigm or logic programming paradigm is base on the fact that a program implements a relationship rather than correspondence. It can be higher level than functional or imperative programming.
  • Imperative programming is the best know and most use procedural paradigm in programming, where programs are develop through a process. Because of their close relationship to machine architecture, imperative programming languages can be implement very efficiently, at least in principle. Pascal C and BASIC are the three most critical imperative languages.
  • Oriented programming is base on the concept of objects and object classes as a variable equipper with a set of operations that belong to it or are defined for it. The object-oriented paradigm is currently the most popular. Every day, programmers, students, and professionals try to learn courses related to this paradigm.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Computer Programming

As with any process, successes and failures occur in programming that each programmer must evaluate according to their needs. We point out about advantages and disadvantages of computer programming that should be busy into account:


  • It enables the sequential reading of the programs, thus favoring their understanding.
  • Significantly reduces errors due to unwanted side effects.
  • Because the code is easier to understand (than code that doesn’t use control flow structures), bugs are often easier to find and fix.
  • Program maintenance costs are generally low


  • It does not allow the model of the concepts of the problem domain directly, so the transformation from the problem domain to. The solution domain is necessary and requires a more significant compression effort.
  • The separation between data (variables) and routines (procedures and functions) leads to the need to use global variables, which makes the encapsulation capabilities proposed by the paradigm limited.
  • The introduction of changes is often very problematic due to the frequent appearance of secondary (or unforeseen) effects during the maintenance of the program.

Is It Good To Learn About Programming?

Of course! Programming is use in almost everything we do today with computers. Smartphones, robots of all kinds, and even cars that have onboard computers. Someone must first write the program, and for that, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of computer programming.

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